Welcome to the Corona Age & Goodbye to the Reagan Era.

We have an opportunity to step into a new age, a shift of consciousness and chance to heal, ourselves and our planet. And it has nothing to do with politicians OR billionaires.

“We, the people” proved to ourselves these last months that “we, the people” can make the needed sacrifices, as President Jimmy Carter had called for in the late 1970s – sacrifices to curb our materialistic desires, commercialism and money agendas in order to make a difference. Carter had spoken in the 1970s about an energy shift, a move from big oil use to sustainable wind and solar. But, we can take it to a higher level now – we can heal ourselves and Planet Earth after forty years and understand his words more vibrantly today than ever before  –  “it’s the moral equivalent of war” but based on construction rather than destruction.

It’s the calling now. We’ve come this far. Let’s push it far, like brothers and sisters, together.

And one day, our kids will look back at our generation and say “wow, look what they did!”

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