Aunt Barbara’s Kitchen

Aunt Barbara’s Kitchen is a home kitchen operation, what’s known as a Cottage Food Industry. We make Irish Soda Bread for deliveries and can ship in California right from our home kitchen, and from our hearts.

Irish Soda Bread helped stave off starvation for many of the Irish during The Great Famine less than 150 years ago. In that spirit, all revenue for this business goes to my daughter’s college effort for food and housing. . . we are trying our best to not burden our fellow tax payers and do what we can to ensure she doesn’t go into debt, that is akin to a burden that the Irish indentured workers workers suffered when they came to America. We believe in educated youth who can thrive and not be forced to merely survive!

Our Irish Soda Bread comes with currants and caraway . . . and a hand written Irish blessing. Order some now . . . and if we become successful, we’ll look forward to helping more college students from debt!

We started this business with $10 and great grandpa’s iron skillet. Help us build a dream, while enjoying delicious Irish Soda Bread!

Each loaf is $10. Thank you!

Order by emailing barbara dot mcveigh dot writer at gmail dot com.