Celebrate Jimmy Carter – August 2, 7-8:30pm


Wednesday, August 2, 7-8:30 PM
Community Media Center of Marin
819 A Street, San Rafael CA

RSVP: marinartists@hotmail.com.
Seating is limited.


Barbara McVeigh is a local filmmaker and recent author. In her new memoir Redemption, How Ronald Reagan Nearly Ruined My Life, she relays a personal family story about how after 30 years of anger toward her father for striking against President Ronald Reagan in the 1981 PATCO strike, an act that labeled her father a federal criminal, she’s learned why her father and the fired 12,000 union members of 1981 should be considered heroes in America today.

Barbara will show 30 minutes of the film The Road Not Taken (not available in the US) by Swiss Filmmakers Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller and talk about President Jimmy Carter’s wisdom, as we now understand his vision on energy policy and environment responsibility, at the most critical time of our global humanity today. And she will share the propaganda used by the “Hero” of the Republican Party and his entourage of big business that has led our country, if not planet, to a very dark road environmentally, politically, socially and economically.

Ronald Reagan didn’t nearly ruin just her life . . . he’s nearly ruined everyone’s lives!

Seating is limited, so please make a reservation at marinartists@hotmail.com with your name and email contact.

Barbara’s book Redemption, How Ronald Reagan Nearly Ruined My Life is available on Amazon.com and signed copies will be available at the event.

(Barbara McVeigh pictured above in front of “The Courthouse” in Sedona, Arizona – a sacred rock, according to the Hopi and a landscape shaped by an ancient sea.)