Warming Hearts


At first I had a very frigid conversation with this great man. I tend to be shy and I knew he was an important figure, who understood truth. So, I was on guard and hesitant to tell him all the worries and concerns I have of the world these days. But, no one was around and we were alone, so I thought, well, maybe I should just be honest and frank and . . . trust. That’s not such a crazy way of being.

So, I opened my heart and I told him all my fears about what’s happening in the world today. And to my astonishment, he continued to sit thoughtfully beside me for a good long time, without interrupting or disagreeing once.

In fact his face actually grew stone cold  as my words continued to spill. All he remained gripping his pipe and clutching his book with hard knuckles, and stared at the snow covered mountains beyond, as if looking thoughtfully for the right words, a shimmer of light to inspire a spark, the essence of life and meaning for everyone in the world today.

And he remained  lost for words, or so it seemed, and I began to recognize he was clearly speechless.


The snow began to fall around us, and I didn’t want to become cold, like so many others have become. Slightly disheartened, I finally got up to leave him staring off into the distance alone that cold wintery day.

I looked back one final time, and I swear I heard him say “stone hearts, please thaw and start beating again.”

Mark Twain. . .

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.”

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”


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