Jimmy Carter Jamboree

Time to Celebrate! – It’s Carter!


The Jimmy Carter Jamboree, a grassroots party,
by the people and for the people.

A small group of people kicked off the initial celebration in 2017 resulting in the first California Resolution honoring President Jimmy Carter, with a big thank you to State Senator Mike McGuire and State Assemblymember Marc Levine.

Since we launch Carter events in California the year 2017, we have received support from former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, ABC Host Spencer Christian, political leaders of Marin County, including Board of Supervisors, City Councils of Fairfax and Novato, along with musicians, businesses and more. 

This year, 2023, we reached out to Russian President Putin for a comment. M. Dmitry Peskov, Press and Information Office of the President of the Russian Federation did indeed reply:

“We are grateful to you for such a kind offer. President Carter indeed did a lot for the world in his time. Nevertheless, we are confident that nowadays a statement by President Putin is unlikely to find the proper response in America.”

We are not surprised by such a statement, because we know President Jimmy Carter has not been respected nor acknowledged well here in California. And that has been our mission, as a means of celebrating Carter so we can see how we’ve lived in a forty year era of misinformation and propaganda about Carter. And there is good news. . . the time is coming when Carter will be recognized for his brilliance and wisdom. So, keep faith and stay positive. Next year will be our best year yet!

President Jimmy Carter – Upcoming Class in Northern California

Update: Not a single person registered for this class, which is very sad news, given we even had a member of The Carter Center who was going to join us! Let’s stay positive and we’ll do it again!

CANCELLED: I am pleased to announce a six week online course, hosted by Santa Rosa Junior College in Northern California, to discuss and debate whether President Jimmy Carter ultimately won the 1980 presidential election 40 years later. Join us for a vibrant reflection on Carter’s lifetime legacy focusing on energy, environmental, peace, health, human rights and housing initiatives.

A special guest from The Carter Center will join us
one evening to answer questions.

This class is the first of its kind in our nation. Let’s make history!
Link to register

Join our class at Santa Rosa Junior College, Northern California – ONLINE.

Enjoy the 2.5 hour special celebrating President Jimmy Carter (uncut version).
(Note – the broadcast was conducted during the pandemic with minimal staffing. Apologize for the rough patches, but we got through it! Thank you for understanding.)

L_MG_4823et’s remember the kind of values we honor and put a smile on our faces, just like Carter here, and plan some national parties to honor a living president.

For now five years, a small group of Carter loyalists gathered city and county wide Proclamations, California Resolutions, musicians, restaurants, bars and speakers, including ABC Host Spencer Christian, environmental activist April Peebler!

Dream Farmers Celebrating Carter, 2018

Even former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev got involved!





Getting Ready – The Jimmy Carter Jamboree 2020

We have eight months until October 1, President Jimmy Carter’s 96th birthday. Our vision which started three years ago was to incubate the idea to celebrate a visionary and honest leader to ensure all our leaders know how “we, the people” celebrate the good ones!

Carter has been highly maligned by the mainstream for forty years, yet he was the visionary who pushed the first green deal of major solar and wind energy initiatives when we KNEW about green houses gases. California, under Governor Brown at the time, pushed for 17,000 wind turbines under Carter’s administration. Carter put solar panels on the White House and The Solar Age was set.

We want to share this important history with everyone – what better way to be prepared for the elections this November than by thinking about the efforts of our good leaders, those who led with peace, kindness and vision. It’s inspiration for us all. For three years now, Marin County has set the stage with examples to inspire – cities can issue proclamations, elected officials can create videos and write letters AND even write resolutions. Musicians can sing songs! Theaters can screen the Swiss made film about Carter’s energy initiatives A Road Not Taken!

This year we are asking the Governor of California to participate!

So, get on board and join us for what we would love to see – a global celebration of the kind of values we all could appreciate: peace, kindness and visionary leadership!

Radio Interview Pacifica Radio, from Berkeley – It’s all about Music & Carter!


Tues Dec 3, 5pm-6pmKPFA/Pacifica Radio,   Producer of the Jimmy Carter Jamboree (sanctioned by the California Legislature!) joins Flashpoints radio with host Dennis Bernstein. We’ll discuss the vision behind the three year effort of The Jimmy Carter Jamboree. .  . and the 40 year propaganda drive about Reagan. Carter has been nearly erased from history – AND they almost got away with it! We share the vision for October 2020  event of the President Jimmy Carter Jamboree – a month long celebration of good values of honesty, kindness and generosity just before the next presidential election, a strong message to ALL our political representatives how we celebrate and honor the good ones! Here is the recording of the interview! Thank you Dennis Bernstein!

Wed Dec 4, 6:30pm – Film Screening  –
A Road Not Taken a film about President Jimmy Carter’s visionary wind and solar energy initiatives (when we KNEW about carbon consequences). The museum will not advert this event until Monday (three days before the event). But you can RSVP here – it’s FREE!. The Swiss made film reveals the greatest propaganda act of a generation, refusing to recognize we had a president who tried to mitigate climate change and then was thrown under the bus for 40 years. Three years ago The Marin IJ had a mysterious “administrative error” when they did not publish a full written article about Carter following our College of Marin/Marin TV showcase at the Civic Center Center. It’s been a journey into the darkness of even local media control and reluctance to give credit where credit is due. Carter is not just a farmer, he stands today as the world’s greatest visionary and The Father of the Solar Age.

Thank you to California’s Legislature!

It’s a tribute to President Jimmy Carter and recognizing the Carter Jamboree – a month long tribute to honor a living president whose energy policies were visionary when we knew about climate change . . .he pushed major solar and wind energy initiatives and conservation efforts.

But, what happened? It’s a story of the greatest propaganda act ever delivered by mainstream corporate media, corrupt politicians, big business, educators and even modern day environmentalists . . . not just downplaying Carter’s efforts, but maligning him as a failed president.

Carter was a visionary and was more for the people than any other president, arguable, in the history of the world. Time to honor and time respect. That’s what we are doing with the Jimmy Carter Jamboree -a month long tribute in honor of Carter who has “walked the talk” along with other activists whose birthdays are also in October in order to give us all reason to be inspired, amp up the music and celebrate good values to ignite a new age of honesty, kindness and humility as we turn this world around.

From the California Legislature – by State Senator Mike McGuire and State Assembly Member Marc Levine.

Thank you Rosalyn and Jimmy Carter for the inspiration!!!


The Jimmy Carter Jamboree Team, by the people and for the people.

OCTOBER – the power month of celebrating good values!

As we head into our next election cycle, we have the opportunity to pause and celebrate values, those we wish to live by. We all have been moving so fast these last years, isn’t it worth the time to stop and ponder – what is it all about? What IS life all about? And who have been the examples providing us all inspiration?

The month of October offers powerhouse birthdays in our age, beginning with October 1 which is the day of President Jimmy Carter’s 95th birthday, our oldest president ever, one who has shown us the value of living with humility, kindness and vision – a peace keeper.

There are also more birthdays to celebrate!

October 1  –  President Jimmy Carter – a birthday to kick off the month long celebratory tributes of good values and those who inspire the rest of us to remember what why life is worth living!

October 9  – April Peebler – Founder of Heirs to our Oceans! A powerhouse woman who has been an activist all her life, she’s more recently founded the ocean youth movement Heirs to our Oceans.

October 9  –  John Lennon – IMAGINE – what else can one say that has not been said? ”

“Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there’s no countries, It isn’t hard to do . . .

October 10  –  Peter Coyote – life long activists who today encourages activists not to fight, but to create a new world and invite others into that better world.

October 13Angela Alioto – Angela comes from a powerhouse San Francisco Family and has stood for civil rights, health and so much more. She is the face of San Francisco for so many people who remember San Francisco as the City with the Heart. Alioto has also written a book about her experiences in San Francisco politics, entitled Straight to the Heart.

October 27 – Kathleen Russell – Executive Director of Center for Judicial Excellence. CJE has worked tirelessly to educate lawmakers at the local, state and national levels about the impacts of the family court crisis on their constituents.

October 30  – Jose Neto – A Brazilian guitarist, composer and musical director, who has worked and supported the tops, including Harry Belafonte (life long activist and colleague of MLK) and Steve Winwood, along with his own bands Fourth World and The Netoband – with a powerful spirit of collaboration, peace and humility . .  . AND he used to jam with George Harrison. His electric music can wake souls into the living and get us all dancing!

Are there more? Let us know so we can induct them into the official “Jimmy Carter Jamboree” events for the month of October!

The Jimmy Carter Jamboree, grassroots celebrations, was inspired by Bob Dylan’s Musicares Award Ceremony. Dylan invited President Jimmy Carter to deliver the award and Carter’s speech started to make history – “Musicians have far greater power than any President of the United States.”


EVENTS LINING UP! October 1-5, 2019

Carter Jamboree 2019 – Carter turns 95!

Time to celebrate a great leader!
Grassroots action full tilt for the Rock’n Roll President !


Write to us and let us know what your public or private events are and we’ll post and share with The Carter Center!

October 1, 7-8pm
Marin TV, San Rafael, CA.

Special live, audience attended, broadcast in tribute to President Jimmy Carter’s 95th birthday. Birthday cake to share! Seating begins at 6:30pm. RSVP HERE. FREE EVENT.
(Donations will be accepted and sent to The Carter Center.)

October 4, 7-10pm – Seahorse Restaurant, Sausalito, CA.

Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 4.02.56 PM

Music, Latin dancing and dinner. Fundraiser for The Carter Center (remember, Carter spoke Spanish and insisted on always speaking Spanish, out of respect, to leaders of Latin America, even if he spoke with a southern y’all twang.) RSVP HERE


Honorary Guests include Michael Stocker of Ocean Conservation Research, April Peebler of Heirs to Our Oceans, Larry Bragman, Human Rights Youth Activist Alex Coe, and special announcement from The State of California!


October 5, Fairfax Roastery, Fairfax, CA


SamaraiWolf plays a tribute at Fairfax Roastery (SamaraiWolf has played every year for the last three in tribute to Carter). Come for coffee and sign the birthday book for Carter!

The Fairfax Roastery
4 Bolinas Rd, Fairfax, CA 94930

(The Great 2015 Speech with CARTER and DYLAN: Carter said “musicians have more  power than any head of state at the 2015 Musicares Award Ceremony”)

You have an idea for a celebrations? CREATE THE EVENT AND SHARE WITH US! We’ll post and share the good energy!


October 1 – Carter turns 95! Let’s Celebrate!

On October 1, 2017 a small but mighty group collected on the shores of the San Francisco Bay. A plane was creating a heart in the sky in tribute to the final day of the 50th Anniversary of the Summer of Love celebrations. That day also marked President Jimmy Carter’s 93rd birthday and we were there to celebrate and launch the first “Jimmy Carter Jamboree” week with a line up of grassroots events of music, talks and public access television broadcasting, including the screening of the Swiss made film, A Road Not Taken at the Showcase Theater with the Swiss filmmakers who flew in for the events.

Carter has been called by historians the last president of the 60s era, one who lived by the ethos of what the people stood for and were willing to create in what some called the Age of Aquarius  – unity, kindness and generosity, along with iconic music that continues to play today. Imagine was one . . . a song that allows to dream big and be inspired. “Imagine all the people living in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”

This year, 2019, President Jimmy Carter turns 95 years old, the oldest living president who has worked his entire life demonstrating to all of us how to live a humble but meaningful life. He was visionary and was thrown under the proverbial bus during his administration. Hindsight is 20/20 vision and we have the opportunity NOW to thank him and demonstrate not just to Carter but to all politicians who represent American interests to conduct business with honesty, integrity and vision, how we will celebrate them. Let’s show the light of what we want and light a candle, and in this case, 95 of them.

For three years now Marin County has established a platform, a grassroots level, for everyone to create their own celebration. We have a Facebook page, a website and ideas for you to join in the fun. Let’s give Carter a great public celebration now and let him know his speeches of “Crisis of Confidence” is screaming today across our country.

Perhaps the 60s era was just practice. It’s time now for the Age Aquarius, an age of peace and harmony. Imagine. Just imagine. Get inspired!

EVENTS IN MARIN COUNTY (check back soon – events are building!). Write to us and let us know what your public or private events are and we’ll post and share with The Carter Center!

October 1, 7-8pm – Marin TV, San Rafael, CA; Special live, audience attended, broadcast in tribute to President Jimmy Carter’s 95th birthday. Birthday cake to share with public.

October 4; 7-10pm – Seahorse Restaurant, Sausalito. Music, Latin dancing and dinner. Fundraiser for The Carter Center (remember, Carter spoke Spanish and insisted on always speaking Spanish, out of respect, to leaders of Latin America, even if it had a southern twang.

October 5; 6am to 3pm – SamaraiWolf plays a tribute at Fairfax Roastery, Fairfax, CA (SamaraiWolf has played every year for the last three in tribute to Carter). Come for coffee and sign the birthday book for Carter.

And I’m a dreamer AND believer. Are you? Join the fun with a smile on your face!
Barbara McVeigh







The Jimmy Carter Jamboree 2019
Week of October 1, 2019

Check out the website http://www.jimmycarterjamboree.org for more information!

Jimmy Carter gives “the peanut brain” a whole new context. He’s played the game well demonstrating that honesty, vision and integrity are the secrets to living a good life. It’s time to give the glory to Carter  – because we are honoring him big time for the third year in a row. . . and making it bigger, better and louder!

We forget about the First Green Deal, of 1976, when President Jimmy Carter rolled out the solar and wind energy initiatives and said to the people “it is the moral equivalent of war” to be independent of energy when we KNEW about the consequences of oil. Not only did the people decide to shun him for his efforts, but this story has served as a dark shadow in our forty years of recent history – TIME TO COME CLEAN AND HONOR A GREAT LEADER. It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who failed as president. It was a generation who failed to listen and take heed of the greatest responsibility they had as “we, the people.”  But, instead of following sage advice, they followed fears, greed and exploitation opening the door to the most egregious political corruption the world has ever seen, according the great Noam Chomsky.

We have opportunity to glean from this mistake today and never allow fear to rule over us. We are going to take charge, as the people, and first look at a leader who has walked the talk as we celebrate Carter’s 95th birthday on October 1 and do what we can for him – help support The Carter Center and his international projects. Make it a fundraising party, bring the peanuts and get ready to say:

“Thank you, Jimmy Carter – the Father of the Solar Age and the Rock ‘n’ Roll President! We didn’t listen then but we are listening now!”

Let’s show all our politicians how we honor our leaders who are kind, honest, generous and walk the talk. And remember it’s “we, the people” who have the greatest power in the United States of America.





Check out the website http://www.jimmycarterjamboree.org for more information!

We had action! The Town of Fairfax wrote an official proclamation in support of Carter Jamboree. The Seahorse Restaurant offered up space and support for a great human rights table talk with youth of Marin County’s human rights youth commission and human rights journalist Mischa Geracoulis.

In addition, musicians Steve Wolf, Mason Holcomb and Teja Bell – SamaraiWolf, performed at 19 Broadway Night Club along with the Randall Sequeira of the Dream Farmers. Michael Stocker of Ocean Conservation Research spoke about Carter’s energy initiatives. Thank you to Good Earth and Honey Moon Ice Cream for sponsorship!



We had a great week in Marin County celebrating President Jimmy Carter’s 93rd Birthday week! Starting with a heart high in the sky next to the sun, we celebrated the beginning of a new tribute to a great leader, one that our country is beginning to recognize had vision before his time! We had a successful film screening of A Road Not Taken at the Showcase Theater, sponsored by College of Marin, Community Media Center of Marin and Marin Artists Network and other events including music and fundraiser for Mexico and Puerto Rico!

Take a look at our great week, with tributes from Congressman Jared Huffman and other elected officials, who stand for honesty and integrity.


I am so pleased to have worked on the greatest project in our country, one that helps us understand how right Trump has been – our media is fake and we’ve been living with lies for 35 years.

I have been so proud to help give light to Carter’s incredible vision and wisdom at this given time on our country’s history. Now we can understand why the Republican Party does not want to acknowledge Climate Change . . . it’s because the Hero of the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan, is the source of our entire global ecological collapse. When the Republican Party loses their hero, their entire party collapses.

It’s time the Reagan Museum in Simi Valley, California becomes a museum for big business political propaganda so we can understand how corrupt leaders and big money can take down an entire planet. And we use it as a center for global environmental leaders to push for new sustainable agricultural policies, fair business practices and strong educational models as we understand the power behind greed and corruption.

It’s time for power back to the people – those who are kind, generous and think of others beside their own political self interest.

Jimmy Carter is the model for the new age – for 20/20 clear vision.