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“There are no excuses,” the great Mark O’Brien said to me from his breathing capsule. He had been a victim of polio for more than fifty years. Yet, despite a major physical handicap, he did not stop pursuing a life of richness, including poetry, journalism and compassion.

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I interviewed Mark right after his film Breathing Lessons received an Academy Award and that interview really changed the way I look at life. His words were correct – you can pretend to create any excuse in life not to do something, but the excuses  don’t exist. There is no excuse not to do what you want in life.

I’ve got some big ideas and I’m looking to share them on a positive level. And I’ve got a track record of creating something out of nothing. . .

I’ve discovered my strength is creating projects and teams . . . allowing other to step into something they never thought they could do and then support them doing it. I love watching people surprise themselves with resilience that even they themselves didn’t know they had.

But, I need support. My work, as I view it, is that which our government and schools have failed. I’m a people’s advocate and want to cultivate positive change at a time we need it.

My Patreon site is my first effort to cultivate a community of caring people who support the work I’m pushing for many. And until big funders come through, I need support of individuals who believe in what I believe.

Please support me.

Thank you.